Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Final reflection

One day I was walking to my class and when we all got into the room.Then Mr. malley was like hey kids I have a new project for us to do.Mr.malley said the project was about something that we are really into and that's when it came to my head hey I'm really into aliens and UFO I should do it on that. So my questions was do aliens and UFO really exist. The thing about my question is I don't really no if there really is UFO or aliens out there but from the research I did it will get you thinging if there really something out besides us.

I started my research by going to Google and looking up UFO and on this web site I seen many photographs of many different aliens that people took during the world war1 and world war2. I been watching video on ufo and aliens on you . I was watcing this video and this man said he has been abducted by aliens and when they abducted him that he lose time and that he was olny gone for 15Min's but it seem like 3 hours. He also said that when the aliens come here they dont come here to hurt us just to see how were doing and hows life is on earth.Researchers that study UFO from around the united states say there been over 250 UFO crashes seen. Researchers all so say that in buffalo lake Eire is a hot spot for UFO sighting. In the past four days my teacher Mr.Malley told me to go to this wed site called x-files released to the On this wed site it said ever seance the first sighting of a UFO the government has not released any files. They say over the next three to four years 160 files will be handed over to the national archires. the first group of eight files,one of which is more than 450 pages long, is available today.

After doing this research I got to no alot about UFO and aliens that I didn't no before.I didn't have an answer for my essential question but I got alot of research on my project.I still belive there other thing besides us in this world I all was say if god can make the big bang theory why cant he make other life besides us.

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